How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Fast – My Top 10 Natural Hemorrhoid Home Treatments To Heal Your Hemorrhoids.
I’m so sorry that you are living with the pain and discomfort associated with having Hemorrhoids. 🙁
I can relate to your situation and I understand exactly what you are going through right now. I am here to help and the information in this article will help you to get rid of your Hemorrhoids once and for all.
Are you wondering how do you get Hemorrhoids? There are many factors that can cause hemorrhoids including diarrhea, constipation, obesity, anal intercourse, pregnancy and sitting on the toilet too long.
Do Hemorrhoids go away? The good news is YES, when treated properly they will go away.
How long do Hemorrhoids last? That all depends how you treat the symptoms of your Hemorrhoids. Getting rid of Hemorrhoids is not terribly hard once you have a Hemorrhoid home treatment plan.
If you follow my advice, I am confident that you can heal your Hemorrhoids all naturally without the need for costly surgery.
** I am not a doctor, so this information is only my personal opinion on this matter.**
Here is my Top 10 list of all natural things you can do to get rid of your Hemorrhoids. I hope this information helps you to heal your Hemorrhoids and get back to living a normal, pain free life.
To your good health,
2. You Must Drink More WATER.
In order to help your body heal itself you MUST stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day.
As a general rule, you should try and drink at least 64 ounces or 2 Liters of water each day. Believe it or not, water is vital to helping you avoid constipation.
When there is not enough water in your body, your colon will actually pull water from your stools to maintain your body’s proper hydration level. When this happens you will become constipated and your stools will become hard.
Hard stools will cause you considerable pain during and after passing the stool. The number one thing you can do to keep your stools soft is to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water each and every day.
4. Limit Your Time On The Toilet.
Spend no more than 5-10 minutes on the toilet. Spending too much time on the toilet is never a good thing if you are trying to get rid of Hemorrhoids.
Don’t bring along your phone or a book to read, as you will easily get distracted and spend too much time sitting on the toilet.
You want to make sure that you do not strain to pass your stool. If you are having trouble passing a stool, you can apply a small amount of Vaseline petroleum jelly onto your anus with your finger before your bowel movement. This will make it easier and less painful for your stool to pass.
Probiotics are live micro-organisms that aid in maintaining the natural balance of bacteria that are living in your body. Don’t worry, Probiotics are helpful bacteria that support overall good health in your body, especially your digestive system. Probiotics are helpful because they reduce the number of bad bacteria in your gut that can cause inflammation and infections. To add more Probiotics to your body you can take a high quality Probiotic Supplement and/or eat foods that are rich in Probiotics. Hyperbiotics Pro-15 is a great quality Probiotic that you can take on a daily basis. In addition to helping your digestive system, Hyperbiotics Pro-15 can help improve your mood and energy levels as well as aiding in weight loss by improving your body’s metabolism. One pill a day is all it takes to get the necessary Probiotics that your body needs.
Top 10 PROBIOTIC Foods To Add To Your Diet:
- Yogurt – Look for brands that say “Live and Active Cultures” on the label. Also, stay away from brands that have high fructose corn syrup in the ingredients.
- Kefir – A fermented milk drink made by adding “kefir” grains to goat or cow’s milk. Tastes like a yogurt smoothie.
- Raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – There are so many health benefits to ACV that this is a MUST to add to your diet for overall good health.
- Natural Pickles – Look for pickles that have been fermented in brine. Commercially made pickles are fermented in vinegar and do not contain probiotics. The label should say “Contains Live Cultures”, “Non-Pasteurized” or “Naturally Fermented”.
- Kombucha Tea – This drink is made by fermenting black or green tea and can be found in the refrigerated section of your grocery store. Look for labels that say “Raw” and that have little or no added sugar to them.
- Sauerkraut – I grew up eating this as a child while living in Pennsylvania (Pork and Kruat was a staple in our family!). Sauerkraut is just shredded cabbage that has been fermented. Look in the refrigerated section of your grocery store for “Raw” varieties that are not pasteurized.
- Miso – This is a traditional Japanese seasoning that can be found in the refrigerated section of you grocery store. One of the most common uses of Miso is to add it to soups and stews.
- Kimchi – This Asian form of sauerkraut is made from fermented vegetables and can be found in Asian markets.
- Sourdough Bread – I love bread. My wife actually calls me a “Bread Head”. One more reason to eat more Sourdough Bread…Probiotics!
- Dark Chocolate – This is my wife’s favorite way to get her Probiotics. Who knew something so delicious could also be so good for you!
- Walking
- Swimming
- Yoga
- Stretching
- Light Weight Lifting (no heavy weights). To be safe, add more repetitions using less weight.
8. Take A Warm Bath Or Use A Sitz Bath.
Warm water will help soothe the itching and pain associated with hemorrhoids. By sitting in a warm water bath for 20-30 minutes, one to three times per day, you will help to heal your hemorrhoids faster. The warm water helps to increase blood flow to the anus, which aids in healing hemorrhoids and anal fissures. You can also dissolve a 1/4 cup of Epsom Salt into the water. Epsom salt helps to clean and soothe your hemorrhoids. You can buy a Sitz Bath, which is a small plastic tub that sits on top of your toilet. You will fill the Sitz Bath with warm water and then sit on it for 15-20 minutes. It has a water bag attached to it that you fill with warm water to replenish the water with warmer water while sitting on the Sitz Bath.