The surgical removal of hemorrhoids is called a hemorrhoidectomy which is used to remove third and fourth degree internal hemorrhoids, when other conservative hemorrhoids treatments fail to stop the swelling, burning, itching, protrusion, pain and bleeding of piles. Often the regular digestion of psyllium fiber can significantly reduce the need for this type of surgery to happen. Also, a natural colon cleanse using fiber can help to prevent this as well.
Hemorrhoidectomy is carried out under sedation, to ensure that you don’t feel pain during the procedure. If given general anesthesia, you will become unconscious; if you are given spinal anesthesia, you are numbed waist down and if you are given local anesthesia, only the immediate area is numbed.
The surgeon chooses the anesthesia for your hemorrhoidectomy
The type of anesthesia that you will be given is dependant on the type of hemorrhoid surgery to be done, your health and preference and surgical standards of the surgeon. When performing a hemroidectomy, you have to either lie face down on the operating table, with your buttocks slightly elevated or lie on your back, with your legs in stirrups so that your anus and rectal area is exposed to the surgeon so that the hemorrhoids are exposed.
Once the anesthesia starts working, the area is cleaned using antiseptic solution after which thehemorrhoids are clamped, tied off and cut off. This wound is then sutured. The anus is then packed with gauze, or applied antibiotic after the operation. Basically, a hemorrhoidectomy takes about an hour to one and a half hour to perform.
Preoperative care for hemorrhoidectomies
The preoperative care for hemorrhoidectomy includes a chest x-ray, blood and urine tests and an EKG which are done a few days before the surgery. If on medication, some medication may be stopped for 3-4 days before hemorrhoidectomy to prevent excessive bleeding during the procedure.
If you opt for general anesthesia, there should be no food consumption from midnight before snuggery to prevent vomiting during and after the procedure. However dietary restrictions for local and spinal anesthesia are varied and will be given by the surgeon.
Inform the anesthesiologist of your medications
A hemorrhoidectomy is done in a hospital or outpatient surgery center where some patients return home on the same day, while some stay in the hospital. On checking in for a hemorrhoidectomy, an informed consent form has to be signed to indicate that you understand the procedure, its potential risks and the medicines you will receive.
Make sure you tell the anesthesiologist about medications you take allergies you have and any reactions you may have for anesthesia. This is to make it easier for the anesthesiologist to choose the right dosage and anesthetic agents for the procedure.
Inform the surgeon of any postoperative complications
Usually an enema or mild laxative is given 2-4 hours before surgery to clear out stools. You will have an intravenous line for administration of fluid and medication before, during and after the hemorrhoidectomy.
A hemorrhoidectomy leaves most patients happy with the results, who recover without many problems and of course are free from the hemroids. Complications associated with hemorrhoidectomies are rare and include fever, constipation, severe pain while having bowel movements, anal fissures, excessive discharge of fluids, excessive bleeding, inability of urinating or having bowel movements and side effects of anesthesia. Notify the surgeon if you experience any of these during the immediate postoperative period of the hemorrhoidectomy.